
Peace is one of the most important things which one want to have in life. Everyone wants peace at some point or the other. The nature of peace can differ. One of the ultimate goals is to live a healthy, happy and peaceful life. Life is not same every time. If offers various setbacks too and learning from these setbacks makes us stronger and helps in decision making. Good and bad moments keep coming in life and so is the case with peace.

Living a peaceful life is everyone’s desire. How peace arrives in one life differ from others. There is no measurement of peace or peace cannot be quantified. If I am at peace, I can only feel it and that too from inside. Situation and environment also play its part to have peace in life. The deeds and activities we do in our life also matters to get peace. As peace can be only felt from inside, but most of the time, peaceful feeling occurs with outside situation and our actions or deeds. Confused???

Let’s understand it. Someone can feel the peace by listening songs, some can get the peace by exploring natures beauty, looking at the various landscapes can give peace, helping others can provide peace. Doing meditation provides peace. Someone can get peace by teaching the economically weak children free of cost, writing can give peace (including me) etc. and the list goes on.

Having said that, let us see the other aspect of peace which few so called “egoistic” people practice. Someone gets peace by hurting others, disrespecting others, and letting others down. They enjoy this and peace comes that way for them. In corporates, few managers get peace by humiliating their subordinates, by providing unrealistic tasks, by asking the status of work which were not assigned to them etc. Few does gets peace by practising such unethical things. Such kind of species exist.

Life is not free of problems and obstacles. It is full of ups and downs, good and bad moments and nothing lasts forever. So is the case with peace. Having peace for 24*7 is an ideal situation. It come and go, again come, and go and so on. If one is not having peace at a moment, one should not be worried because worrying for peace makes arrival of peace, far away. It just a matter of time which will pass, one day or the other. This reminds me of the below extract from a poem:

Peace comes in pieces.
All in shades of grey.

Peace comes in pieces. This line is so deep and intense. Indeed, as nothing lasts forever so is the peace. Just like happiness is followed by sadness, peace too has some moment to last and then past. Sometimes, we feel we are in full peace and sometimes we want some more peace. Such thoughts keep revolving in our mind but the point here is when we feel peace, whether it the full one or the part of it. That partial feeling of peace is what comes in grey sometimes and gets away from us. It is subjective to experience the full or partial peace. When it comes, it goes and comes back. This is life having multiple shades.

The above extract is from a poem, written by my blogger friend, Hema Narayan of HemasSphere. One can read the full poem here. She is a brilliant writer, and I would request my readers to explore her blog as well to taste her unique writings. Her blog URL is

Whatever life offers, there is a hidden learning, and we must try to explore that learning from various life situations. Stay safe, stay happy and of course, stay peacefully.

Ashish Kumar

84 thoughts on “Peace…

    1. Thanks a lot Shweta for reading and sharing your insights… glad you found the post worth… Yes, those lines written by Hema is awesome and hence I thought of sharing here in my post while I was writing this… Thanks a lot for your compliment… 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  1. True Ashish – Peace is the ultimate goal.

    Life is cyclic. As you have rightly said it can go up and down! But a yogi faces all this with peace in his heart. And meditation is the way!! It is tough but it is possible to be at peace 24/7 😊

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yes, meditation is indeed a good way to experience peace. Having experience of peace for 24*7 is generally not achievable by normal public in general and this was the point stating the same. Indeed, as you pointed it is tough.
      thanks a lot sir taking you time to read the post and sharing the valuable insights. Always a pleasure to hear from you.. 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. KK

    A very thoughtful piece on peace. Good one. During my career, I have also come across bosses, who enjoy shouting at others, but believe me, I know personally some of them, who are internally disturbed for one reason or other.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thank you so much sir for reading the post and liking it… means a lot… yes, there are few bosses who enjoy shouting at their subordinates, it is considered as a normal course of work… Also, thanks a lot for sharing your personal experience… 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Woww!! Thanks a ton, Ashish for elaborating and sharing my thoughts about peace. I am truly honoured and humbled by your this gesture.
    Thank you, kindly. Your posts inspire a lot of fellow bloggers and I am one among them. Your are a prolific writer yourself and I am honoured to share this part of the world with you. Thank you once again. Stay safe
    God bless.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks a lot Hema for your kind words and blessings. Means a lot…when I read that poem of yours, this thought of peace came in my mind and hence thought of sharing the same here with due respect to the extract of your poem… 🙂
      I am obliged to know that my posts does provide some kind of inspiration to fellow bloggers. This comes as a big compliment for me and I am really honoured to know the same. Keep your good writing intact and come up with your new posts as well…. stay safe…once again, thanks a lot for your kind words and blessings… 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I love your thoughts about peace. Indeed, we cannot receive it, we need to create it. It is an inside job. As you said, life can throw a lot of distractions in front of our feet. But it is on the outside. Like in a hurricane the eye is completely quiet while around it the storm rages. Let’s be the eye in the storm, the peaceful center in ourselves.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. That’s correct… we can only feel and experience peace and that too from inside… It lies inside and needs to be explored… I liked the hurricane example, it’s so related… 🙂
      Thanks a lot mam for reading and sharing your insights…. always a pleasure to have your views… 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I loved reading your explorations on Peace. After many years of going about it from the outside to within, something a teacher said struck me – Peace is something that is present, it is a default. We don’t need to go looking for it or make it happen. We only need to remove all the noise and layers that block us from experiencing it. That really made sense to me and of course that still remains an ongoing exploration :))

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yes, peace is present inside us and we need to explore the same, then only one can feel and experience. we need to understand ourselves first and then think on it how to experience that inner peace…. It is indeed and ongoing exploration and it cannot be stopped after achieving it for a while…

      Thanks a lot mam for your visit and views…You have been a constant support from many years… means a lot… 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Lokesh Sastya

    The person who understands and controls his/her thoughts, he/she is peaceful.
    Most of us search happiness and peace in others. Why can’t we look inside us? 🆒

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Peace can be felt from inside and our deeds and activities provide a medium to to feel that peace, to some extent, if not much. As mentioned in the post, peace can be felt from inside and this feelings of peace can be experienced by controlling the thoughts as you mentioned (better to say negative thoughts)… It can only be experienced from inside.
      This post is about one of the aspects of life wherein nothing lasts forever. just like good moments, bad moments, happy and sad moments continues to come and go…. so is the case with peace.. It is ironical to say that one is at peace all life as life is cyclical. If one is happy, mind is relaxed and happy with some sort of peace… Is it the same case when one is sad? I have just tried to portray this aspect in this post….

      Thanks a lot Lokesh for reading and sharing your insights… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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