Learn to Unlearn

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Learning is a continuous process and we learn from our life which consists of ups and downs. We learn from our experience and our mistakes which plays drastic role in shaping our personality and our future. Life is full of startling moments and frankly speaking, this moment teaches us a lot. Be it good or bad, meets our expectations or not, those moments plays a significant role in life. What we read in our academics and what we learn from our work experience are crucial indeed but one should be ready to unlearn few things. Confused? What it means is, one should also try not to learn what he is willing to learn and on the other side, one should also unlearn which he had already learnt. Unlearning means, to discard something from your memory which you learnt previously. Let us see few things which one should try to unlearn:

  • Bad Habits: We learn many habits in our life easily and whether to continue with those habits is a choice. Habits can be good and bad and it’s better to unlearn the bad habits and keep the good habits. Again, one should also unlearn the habit of willing to learn the bad things. Put it simply, if one is willing to learnt some bad habits, he should unlearn his habit of learning bad habits.
  • Overconfidence: Confidence is required and necessary in our life but overconfidence can be dangerous. Being confident enough is good but one should not be overconfident as it leads to opposite results sometimes. Hence, it’s better to unlearn being overconfident.
  • Unrealistic: Be realistic in nature and set your standards as per your convenience. Simply stated, be pragmatic and unlearn being unrealistic.
  • Pretending; This is one of the most important things many possess which should be unlearned. Many people have the habit of pretending themselves to be smart in many aspects, be it academics or in day to life. In fact, many will indulge unnecessarily and start their knowledge sharing without being requested. Also, many people have the habit of late sitting in office pretending themselves to be very occupied with work. Many also do late sitting in order to get attention from their superiors. What they do by late sitting is a question mark. No doubt, if it is required sometimes late sitting should be done depending on the nature and complexity and emergency of work. But doing late sitting just to show-case is not correct. “Late sitting should not be considered as virtue.” There are several other aspects of pretending or show-casing which should be unlearned. Be natural in your work and behavior.
  • Claiming to be Omniscient: Here comes one more interesting thing which requires attention. Many people have the habit of claiming themselves to be omniscient, meaning they know everything. These people are so well self-motivated and self-proclaimed that they think what they are saying is always correct and no one knows more than what he knows. This is where ego and attitude starts growing and ultimately it reaches a stage where self-proclaimed omniscient person doesn’t considers and listens to others as what he thinks is only right. These people find difficult to get respected.  Nobody is perfect  in this world and hence, unlearn claiming to be omniscient.
  • Critic: It’s better not to criticize on everything and every time. Criticize only if it is requires and that too in a constructive manner. Criticism should never be made a habit and hence, unlearn being a critic. I have already discussed in my previous article titled, Unnecessary Criticism and hence will keep it short.

Learning is very important and in my opinion learning to unlearn few things is also important. There can be many other aspects of unlearning apart from what I have shared as the above list is not exhaustive. There might be one question in your mind and that is, which one is difficult; learn or learn to unlearn? The answer to this question is difficult and it is subjective. However, with my little experience, I think unlearning is difficult than learning or learning to unlearn is difficult. What is your take on unlearning and which one  is more difficult? Do share your views. 🙂 🙂

– Ashish Kumar

53 thoughts on “Learn to Unlearn

  1. I agree with most what you wrote here. I think it could also be put like this: In developing by our experiences we learn that our beliefs, or our way to look at life, may have changed. And we need to adjust our attitude and thoughts to those new “us”. Which means, we need to reprogram our thoughts in order to make them a new reflex. This is a constant process. In the end, we simply need to be open and go with our own flow of development without clinging to certain dogmas… Yes, we need to believe but we need to be aware that these beliefs may not fit us anymore. I hope this was not to complicated… hahaha. But your post was very inspiring, Ashish. Thank you very much!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It was indeed a pleasurable read mam as you have given the gist of the article. We need to reprogram ourselves from time to time in order to develop our personality which helps us in dealing with changing times. What is prevailing may not be the same after 20-30 years and we need to be flexible enough…

      Thanks a lot mam for your wonderful review. Glad you read and liked the post… Means a lot… 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, exactly, Ashish! We are a work in process and therefore need to adjust our opinions and beliefs. I like how you wrote it here.
        Again, thank you for the inspiring post and I am glad I read it, Ashish. Have a wonderful weekend!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Unlearning is very important and great points you raise here. We are conditioned from birth to think in certain ways which are not always correct or beneficial for us. When we cleanse issues we are taking experience and unlearning our wrong reactions. Learning new ways of doing and seeing ourselves. Excellent post Ashish.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your worth comment. You rightly pointed we need to unlearn our wrong reactions. We need to rectify and unlearn certain things what we have learnt since our birth..
      Thank you so much for taking your time to read and finding the article worth. Your views are commendable…. 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, I agree Learning is much easier than unlearning! Unlearning is much more challenging. It needs so much of patience and determination.. clearing the mental clog is not an easy task, but it is necessary for restoring the clarity! Positive and excellent post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh am touch by this post. this blew me away. Thank you for taking the time to share these write up through these words.

    These words are painted in truth, experience and perspective. I especially love how you started it and how you ended the write up. Beautifully written and as I read through again on each line I was amazed . Each word you used are true and reflective of my personal encounter with people .

    This produced a smile on my tired face after a long day. You’re appreciated.

    You are welcome

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this and sharing your views. I am delighted to have your valuable views here. Your comment made me smile and I am really humbled to have your visit. If my post produced smile on your face, it’s a kind of reward for me. Happy to know that you liked my writing and read the entire post thouroughly.

      Welcome to my world of writing. Keep visiting and motivating me with your valuable views… 🙂 🙂


      1. Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.

        Such an awesome way of replying someone. Thanks. Again

        Also, I just posted:


        Would love to know your views. Love to see your contributions on it. I’m always excited for your comment. 🙂

        You are welcome

        Peace ✌and Love ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks    for accepting and following my blog.

    I’m available to read your post at my convenient time.

    You have such an interesting topic I will love to read in
    your blog.

    I still remain  the simple blogger…..

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.

        Such an awesome way of replying someone. Thanks. Again

        Also, I just posted:


        Would love to know your views. Love to see your contributions on it. I’m always excited for your comment. 🙂

        You are welcome

        Peace ✌and Love ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Lately, I’ve been trying to say “No” less to start an answer; instead to express myself clearer, like, “I can’t go to your party because I made other plans.” I would save time and be succinct. I had worked on it before and became very good, but I don’t know how this habit returned.


    1. It’s human nature and we need to work on it… It happens often the habit which we have left comes back and again we need to work to leave the same… I am really grateful for giving your time to read my post and sharing your experience on it… Welcome to my world of writing… Glad to have you here… Keep visiting… 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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