Welcome the Weekend…

Seven days in a week…
Monday morning is lazy.
Friday evening is crazy.
Moment of joy on Friday evening is immense.
Weekend is about to arrive in few minutes.
Leave the work load aside.
Welcome the weekend with joy.
Enjoy the time with full enthusiasm.
Don’t forget to add sarcasm.
Let’s be crazy for these two days.
It gives relaxation from hectic five days.
Live, love and release your stress.
Don’t take new stress.
Be crazy and dance.
Two days are for new chance.
Chance of happiness and enjoyment.
Be ready…
Leave the work load aside.
Welcome the weekend with joy.

Ashish Kumar

The Writer’s Block…

Writing is an art. When a writer pens down his creativity with the use of magical words, a new literary piece is born. It takes immense effort to write, from beginning to the end. What to write and how to present it? It happens several times when you thought of writing something chosen but came up writing on something else. Isn’t it??? Even though when you come up writing something else which you didn’t thought of doing so and when the end result is satisfying, it is again a new creation. This happened with me several times. I think to write something specific and come out of writing something else.

Writing gives me satisfaction and I am sure it gives satisfaction to all who writes. But what happens when the writers are unable to write for some time or the thinking ability slows down for a while. The situation where writers are unable to produce their literary pieces is what we call the “writer’s block”. It is the situation where the author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. This is quite natural and happens with every writer. It gives the writer to take rest from writing for a while and come back with refreshing new literary pieces. Going forward, refreshment does play a role when one comes back. As the mind is ready, devoted and the best part is, one writes from his heart.

As it is said, when you write keep the heart and the soul intact in your literary work, then only readers will get the real fragrance and taste of your writing.  Don’t let the “heart and soul” missing in your work. Writer’s block is a way to revive yourself, think little different and come up with a new genre. For example, if someone is writing mostly on romanticism, he may come up writing on social issues etc. I think the writer’s block gives a chance to think differently, try different genre and also present in different way. I have been away from writing several times. In blogging world, I was silent for about six months too due to my studies and other personal stuffs but was always happy to come back. I avoid forceful writing. Whenever I have something in my mind, I try to present to all of you. Writer’s block is not a misfortune. There might me several reasons making writers to go in the writer’s block, from personal to professional etc. But there is always a chance for come back. So, what is your take on writer’s block? Have you ever been in the writer’s block? Do share your views and experience…

– Ashish Kumar

Solitude – Pleasure or pain?

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Solitude is one the situations which often makes or break confidence, relations, mindset, perception etc. It is the state or situation where one feels alone or lonely. Human nature wants to be known and admired and solitude is just opposite where one finds himself to be detached from everyone. The reason of being felt lonely can be many like not getting what desired, love failure, introvert nature, jealousy etc. The repercussion of solitude is sometimes harsh even leading to suicidal death which is startling and extreme. One of the main consequences of solitude is that people lose hope and get depressed. Losing hope is that state where one finds nothing positive for himself and negative vibes starts accumulating in mind.

Feeling of loneliness is not new and one feels lonely several times in life. Some of the common reasons behind solitude are love failure, failure in innovating something new, break up in the relationships etc. If you are a song lover, you might have came across many songs which are solely based on solitude. When people fail in love, they think they are nowhere and they are the one who finds themselves the loneliest person in world. When someone resigns from his job because he doesn’t liked it, it also gives a lonely feeling till he finds a suitable job as per his interest. When there is a misunderstanding which leads to fight between family members and all are members are against you, solitude again finds a place. There are many other circumstances where one encounters solitude in his/her life. All these are part of life and should be taken as an experience.

Life has many aspects and solitude or feeling of loneliness is one of them which can be a pleasure or pain. Surprised to see how it can be a pleasure? Yes it can be a pleasure if one takes this as an opportunity. Generally, people consider solitude as a pain. It is a pain if one thinks it in that way and can be a pleasure as well if you have guts to convert that pain into pleasure which is difficult but not impossible. One should think in a different way and should take solitude as an opportunity. Solitude is that situation where one finds himself to be detached from rest of the world.  When you are detached, you have enough time to think and rejuvenate yourself. Surprised??? Solitude gives you a chance to talk to yourself what we call as introspection and introspection leads to creativity and innovation. When you introspect, you are able to find the loopholes and can start from scratch or can find the better way round which can give fruitful results. Solitude also gives you the chance to know your inner strength, how strong you are and how you are going to manage trying circumstances. All these counts and makes you much stronger than before. Converting solitude into an opportunity is difficult but not impossible. Solitude indeed gives you a chance to prove yourself and come back with smiling face post debacle, if any.  The only thing matter is how one takes this situation, either positive or negative. Choice has to be made.

It takes time to get rid of the bad moments where one finds himself detached but should not allow prolong accumulation of negative vibes which ultimately leads to depression and frustration. Take time and start as nothing lasts forever.  If you keeps on thinking and thinking on what happened in past or past bad memories then how you will live in present and how will you secure your future? In my opinion, solitude is neither a disaster nor a debacle;  it’s a part of our life. Life has many layers, both good and bad. I too have been in solitude several times and was able to tackle which was a nice experience. Experience again is very important in life, both positive and negative which makes you a strong person which helps you in decision making. Remember one thing, if you feel lonely because of absence of people around you, your conscience and confidence still remains within you which are capable enough to convert negative into positive. What I would convey is take solitude not as a burden but spent some time and think and come back with smiling face. Lastly, I would like to share one of the famous quotes of Bob Marley.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Bob Marley


– Ashish Kumar

Few Quotes – 11

Hope all are doing good in new year. A new beginning has made its arrival. So here I am with few of my quotes after almost 3 months gap. Whenever I get a chance to write quotes I definitely do the same and it gives me a pleasurable feeling. 🙂 The response and motivation from all of you makes me to write more and more. Do share your views , opinions what you think about these quotations as your views are very precious for me. 🙂

  1. Sometimes eyes speak more than mouth.
  2. Being empty or lonely is not a misfortune. Its an examination which makes you self dependent and self-reliant.
  3. Few incidents needs to be buried rather than to keep alive in mind which may hamper the coming tomorrow.

– Ashish Kumar


Award posts give a chance to know more about the bloggers with whom we interact in the blogging world. It is indeed a piece of appreciation for the work which one is doing on his/her blog and awards motivate and inspire more to write better and better. So this time I have been nominated for Starlight Blogger Award and that too from a well known published writer who is the author of the books like I am Free , Enjoy Life etc. This is the amazon link for the books.  Getting a piece of appreciation from such a writer is indeed a proud feeling. I will not keep the name in suspense more and would like to thank Erika Kind for considering me for this award. I am a big fan of her writing and reading her literary pieces is always a pleasant feeling and I am also glad to say that the day when we met in the blogosphere , she is an avid reader of my writing as well. Thank you so much mam for giving such an honour. Do visit her blog for reading unique pieces. 🙂


This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.
This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

The Rules

  • Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
  • Answer the questions set to you and then you may create your set of questions for your nominees.
  • Nominate Others.

Answers to Erika’s Questions

  1. What do you think when you look at the night sky?  I think about the beauty of the entire universe. How beautiful it looks in the night when stars shine like pearl. I think about the creature of the universe and its beginning and end.
  2. What makes you smile? Well, I don’t have any particular reason for this. I smile whenever I want to. Of course , I laugh when there is something funny. But having nothing to smile make me smile too. There are times when I laugh unnecessary and my friends starts to laugh just because I am laughing and that too makes me laugh even more. 🙂
  3. What are you doing to provoke a smile in other people’s face? There are lots of things I can do that even I also forget sometime what I did to make others smile. I crack the jokes and most of the times my jokes are enough to make others laugh and if it does not work then I relate the person to something and grasp a funny story at that moment only which definitely works. This is the reason also that people enjoy my presence. There are lots of other thing also I do and then it will become a never ending list. When I have thought of making others laugh, I just do it. Hahaha… 🙂
  4. If you could turn into any animal what would it be and why?  I would like to become a bird so that I can fly from here and there. From mountains to ocean, from hills to terrain and see and experience the ultimate beauty of nature.
  5. What is your biggest dream? I will reveal when I will accomplish it. 🙂

I am nominating the following wonderful bloggers for this award.

My questions to nominees

  1. Share a funny moment from your life in which you are the reason behind that moment.
  2. What according to you is the difference between “love” and “like” ?
  3. Everything has pros and cons. So is there anything you dislike in blogging world ? Share if any.
  4. What is your take on my writing ?
  5. How you celebrate the happiness and sadness ?

All the best to all the wonderful bloggers. These award posts just give a chance to know more about each other. So would be eagerly waiting for the responses from your side. Happy blogging. 🙂

 – Ashish Kumar