PC: Google

Down in the lane of disguise.
Mankind is struggling to survive.
Situation is getting worst day by day.
Hope all will be well one day.
All the ongoing activities stopped.
Mankind is stuck at one spot.
Locked down and curfew imposed.
To stop the community spread.
A virus had shivered the earth.
Deaths are increasing due to sudden outburst.
The situation has become panic.
As COVID-19 is a pandemic.
It needs to be stopped at the earliest.
Or else situation may become worst.
Stage II to Stage III transformation hits at the global level.
People won’t find any source for their survival.
The situation has become panic.
As COVID-19 is a pandemic.
Let’s pray to get rid of this situation soon.
We all are waiting for that noon.

– Ashish Kumar

Coming Tornado

Miffed with the unexpected battle.
I landed in the path of unrealized trouble.
Nature was cool with its weather.
I was facing the breeze of debacle.
Moving in the no man’s land.
I reached the land of sand.
No ray was able to motivate.
It was difficult to plant and cultivate.
Challenge and trouble came back to back.
Nothing was left while I looked back.
I didn’t cried but tears came slowly.
I started to make new path of my journey.
Barren land doesn’t give fruitful results.
Life is full of twisted results.
Challenge lies in the heart and mind.
Accept it and don’t mind.
Life may be sometimes barren.
Convert it into a terrain.
This is what t I realized from the fiasco.
I started with full dedication…
And didn’t stop from the coming tornado.
Didn’t stop from the coming tornado.

– Ashish Kumar

सच्चे दिल से |

कल तुम्हे देखा था मैने |
कुछ इस नज़र से |
जैसे चाहने लगा हूँ तुम्हे |
सच्चे दिल से |
तुम्हारे चेहरे से झलकती मासूमियत |
मुझे खींचती है तुम्हारी ओर |
तुम्हारे होठों का सिसकना |
मुझे ले जाता है तुम्हारी ओर |
भूल जाता हूँ मैं सारे ग़म |
मैं और तुम अब बन जाए “हम” |

चेहरे पे असमंजस है ,
पर दिल मे कुछ और है |
ज़बान कुछ कहती है ,
पर आँखों मे कुछ और ही है |
साफ झलकता है प्यार ,
तुम्हारी आँखों से |
होठों की कश्मकश वो बताती है,
जो महसूस करती हो तुम…
अपने दिल की धड़कनो मे |

जब तुम पास रहती हो,
अछा लगता है |
दूर जाने की बात करके तुम,
मुझे क्यूँ सताती हो |
रूको कहो अपने दिल की |
सुन लो कुछ…
मेरे भी दिल की |
तुम्हारी नज़र कहती है,
मैं तुम्हारा हूँ |
मैं कहता हूँ की…
तुम मेरी हो |
तुम चाहती हो इस कदर से |
पर रोकती हो दिल को अपनी ज़ुबान से |
अब खेलना बंद करो |
कहना है जो सो कह दो |
रोको न खुद को मुझसे |
चाहता हूँ मैं तुम्हे |
सच्चे दिल से…
सच्चे दिल से…

– Ashish Kumar

Is the time right?

Indian Bloggers

Want to write,
Is the time right?
A question which often comes.
Better this should be overcome.
How can you stop a writer from writing?
Stopping from doing the right thing.

                   Hey! Dirty mind.
                   Don’t deviate the focused mind.
                   Let the mind work properly.
                   Allowing it to write frequently.
                  You be seated in corner.
                  Take rest and stick to corner.

Culprit is not the time.
But it is our own mind.
Don’t think much.
Just write and write.
You want to write.
Again the question arise.
Is the time right???


– Ashish Kumar

Battle with joy

Life has many things to offer.
Either good or bad, one has to suffer.
Experiences has a role to play.
Making the path for smoother way.
Each fights at least a battle daily.
Wondering whether is it necessary really?
The question starts here.
The road to an unknown battle.
Sometimes resulting in vain.
Sometimes bearing a severe pain.
Life is incomplete without fight.
But not with the humans.
Which we fight at every moment.
What to do what not to do.
What is right what is wrong…
Either in day or night.
We have to fight.

The battle which we fight always.
Is never real always.
Its a virtual fight.
Which cannot be seen but felt.
The battle which we cannot stop.
So better not to try to put a full stop.
One has to face and win.
Rather to be in disguise and ruin.
Take that in positive way.
To build the path for your way.
There is nothing to cry.
Face the battle with joy.
Just … Face the battle with joy….


 – Ashish Kumar