Ignoring the beauty of life…


Looking at every aspect of life.
We do ignore the beauty of life.
During the midst of happy and sad.
We really become, sometimes mad.
Chasing the one which we don’t need.
Lands us in situation of greed.
Even the heart says it is wrong.
We indulge in doing the wrong.
Involving in the thorny path.
We ignore the present golden path.
Instead of finding the positive.
We do find negatives in positive.
Leaving the glorious beauty aside.
We move towards the unhealthy side.

One needs to have introspection.
Instead of indulging in conspiration.
Life has several layers to come.
Good or bad, we need to overcome.
During the sole honeymoon period.
We forget the struggle period.
One should learn from the mistakes of past.
Rather than blaming the past.
The mindset needs to be changed.
Then only we can bring a change.
Harsh reality still persists.
Looking at every aspect of life.
We do ignore the beauty of life.
Ignore the beauty of life.

– Ashish Kumar

The Bleed

Tears coming from the eyes.

Making the way to survive.

Moving slowly across the face.

Trying to capture the entire space.

Mirror image of emotions displayed.

The droplets of water reflected.

Trust broke; betrayal came at sudden stroke.

Living in disguise there was demise of hope.

Poor mind stopped to think.

Ultimately came to stand still.

Body shivered, heart cried.

To accompany, no one ever tried.

Thinking on what was the deed.

Saw only bleed, bleed.

Is crying was really a need?

Visible was only bleed, bleed.

Is anything left for greed?

Present was only bleed, bleed.

The bleed…

Which nobody wants as part of their need.


– Ashish Kumar

The need of Introspection

In the present scenario of fast moving world, we often achieve many things and also lose something. There are situations when we miss something. The world is changing day by day and people are no more out of this changing world. Every time we are in hurry. Sometimes it works and sometimes it won’t. Life is too short to achieve everything. Many people wants to get more and more even though if it won’t fall in their domain. Sometimes greeds surpasses the values and ethics.

Life is always beautiful. Everything happens has purpose hidden behind it provided if we take it in a different way without losing patience. Loss of patience creates many problems and if patience is lost then we definitely go for doing things in a hurry which ultimately leads to damage. We meet several people in our day to day life and we never feel reluctant in pointing to others problems, their mistakes and their wrong deeds if any. But the thing is we should also give some time to analyse ourselves, the need of introspection, an important thing which we often miss.


One of the most surprising things I have seen and experienced is that we all have time for our work, laughing and gossiping, indulging in blame – game etc. We always have time to spent on Facebook, twitter, bla bla…. and I have seen many addicted victims spending hours on these. I am not against on any of them as I am also a user of these. 🙂 The thing is we have 24 hours in a day so can’t we give at least some minutes to analyse ourselves , talk to ourselves and improve our own thinking ability, create new innovative idea that will refresh our mind and make us  a good human being.

As you know introspection means talking to ourselves and it has the power to change the mindset if done in a correct manner. Blaming on others and remembering others mistakes and pointing that is the general attitude of humans and is enjoyed a lot. One must give sometime to himself/herself as it gives you a chance to know yourself better and better. One can know himself only when he is able to give time to himself. Talking to ourselves gives a pleasant feeling and it is at this time only when we also accept our own mistakes. Yes no one is perfect and life is all about to improve ourselves and for that improvement , introspection is required.

If one is able to give at least 5 minutes also for introspection, life will be different, mind becomes sharp and if mind becomes sharp creativity and innovations can be done easily. It is just how we manage time in life. Introspection gives you the chance to discover the beautiful person hidden inside you. It allows you to find the special inside you. It gives you the ability to know your inner strength and explore yourself as much as you can. Introspection is not a big deal to implement. You don’t need electricity, laptop, mobile phones etc. for introspection. 🙂 The thing you need is “you only and I think…

You are present everywhere wherever you go. You  cannot leave yourself and go. So introspect ….


I would like to conclude this article with one of the finest quote of Swami Vivekananda and this is one of my favourite quite which perfectly describes the need of introspection…

Talk to yourself once in a day… Otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world.                                                           – Swami Vivekananda


So introspect yourself and explore the hidden strength inside you…


– Ashish Kumar