Shadow Followed…

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Story which started but never kicked off.
Suddenly, it was closed without a full stop.
Leaving the canvass with sheds of grief.
You landed in your place of dream.
Shadow followed you, nor do I.
As I saw the sun with open eyes.
I did burn as the ray was intense.
Writhed in agony, my eyes became red.
Sanitizing the eyes, I left the place.
Planting a new world in my space.
Shadow followed you, nor do I.
As I sowed the seeds, which won’t die…

– Ashish Kumar

Friends of Lifetime

Twists and turns are friends of lifetime.
Life never offers always, good time.
Sudden rise and sudden fall are startling.
It’s all about creating the magic.
Inside us lies the hidden strength and power.
Use the same effectively to rise and deliver.
Amidst the fluctuating seasons of life.
Struggle continues and so is the zeal to rise.
Result is the outcome of the efforts made.
If you won’t try, you are deemed to fail.
Always be ready for unwanted turns.
Over-trusting may offer hurt and burns.

You are your own best friend and guide.
Introspect yourself and rise.
The cycle of good and bad experience continues.
Twists and turns are friends of lifetime.
Life never offers always, good times.

– Ashish Kumar

Waiting for arrival…

Indian Bloggers

Heart wrenched, soul cried.
Tried to normalize but it was a failed try.
You left me in the time when I needed you the most.
Leaving the heart in pain I cried for you the most.
You and I both were happy with each other.
A sudden storm separated each other.
The happiness which I saw on your face.
That was enough for me to win all the race.
The joy coming from your heart and face is still refreshed.
With me you were always happy and fresh.

I remember the day when you kissed my soul.
Burning all the memories which were foul.
I saw you the day when we separated.
Your eyes were watery and face was red.
Unable to control myself, my tears became bloody red.
I understand you are not well.
Praying for you so that all should get well.
I feel your presence and you feel the same.
Unaware why god is playing this game.
I know you are in residing in disguise.
Without you dear how can I move and rise.
Hugging you in distress.
I will burn all your problems and stress.
Hoping for that day to come when you smile again.
Burning all the problems and pain.
You are willing to be with me forever.
I am waiting for your arrival.
My arms are stretched to catch you forever.
I am just waiting for your arrival.
Waiting for arrival…

waiting love quote

– Ashish Kumar


There is always something special.
Finding that special is very crucial.
Life has many roles to play.
Depends on how we take in our way.

Trying to achieve perfection.
One should have a positive perception.
Life will never be without obstacle.
It is we only who have to tackle.

Its better to crush the negative thinking.
Generate a path with creative thinking.
Glow like stars and sun.
Don’t rest even if you have to burn.
It is possible to achieve the dream.
Rather than just seeing the dream.
Question is how?
Answer lies in us.
There is always something special.
Finding that special is very crucial.


– Ashish Kumar

अनचाही याद ।

अक्सर  उन  बातों  को  जिसे  भुलाना चाहता हूँ ,
बार – बार क्यूँ याद आ जाती है । 
अक्सर उस चेहरे को जिसे दिल से हटाना चाहता हूँ ,
बार – बार क्यूँ सामने आ जाती है । 
वीरान सा हूँ ,

शमशान में रहने लगा हूँ । 

धोके की इस दुनिया में  ,
अपनापन खोने लगा हूँ ।  

 यादों के साए में ,
खुशियों का है नज़ारा । 
हकीकत की परछाई में ,
अश्कों का है ज़मावरा । 
धुँध में फैली है एक ऐसी चिंगारी ,
जो  कभी जल नहीं पाती है । 
     पता नहीं बार – बार मुझे उसकी याद क्यूँ आती है ?


          – आशीष कुमार