Concluding without Analysis

There are different circumstances in life where we always come to conclusion after analysing the facts and figures, situations etc. In fact life is always full of incidents. Every moment we are facing an incident or better to say some happenings which are always a part of life. Each and every scenario has its own aspects. Life is never the same. Every time we take some decision based on some facts or scenario and come to a conclusion. But do we really always  come to a conclusion by thorough analysis of all the aspects and facts?   If you want to know the answer then you have to analyse first and then come to a conclusion.

Yes what I am pointing here is one of the general and most neglected behaviour and that is “Concluding without analysis”. There are many circumstances where we bluntly come to a conclusion without analysing anything. There are times where we generally come to conclusion without knowing the reality which should be avoided.  No one is perfect in this world. Everyone is having some faults and this is the law of nature and we cannot change it.


In this hectic and busy life, we meet and interact several person in our surrounding or in office. Its not always easy to feel comfortable with everyone because everyone is having his own comfort zone.  Everyone is having his own way of thinking and that may be good or bad. Many people have the tendency to taunt always and hurt others without any reason and enjoy that situation and laugh uselessly. There are many things which we cannot control but there are few things which we can control and behaviour is one among them. Our behaviour is that part which can make or break the life and coming to a conclusion without analysis is also a part of our behaviour.We should not posses the tendency to judge others regarding their work, talent etc. At the same time we should not predict what he/she will do or become in future  because remember Dr A.P.J. Kalam was an orphan and he used to sell newspaper in his childhood and he became the “missile man  and President of India”. Narendra Modi was a tea-seller in his childhood but he is the current Prime Minister of India. There are many other examples too.

The tendency to arrive at a conclusion is good only when we have analysed the facts or otherwise conclusion without analysis will happen which will in turn can be dangerous too. Concluding without analysis can happen for sure by mistake or in hurry but that doesn’t mean we should make this a habit. There are circumstances when such kind of attitude is not good to the person bearing it. It depends on us how we proceed on such situation. A simple example is if you are not well and decides to go to a doctor for check up. The doctor first collects the information from you like your name, age etc. and then checks your body temperature, blood pressure etc. and asks from you regarding your symptoms or if necessary he may opt for some blood tests. Based on these information he comes to a conclusion that your are suffering from this disease  and prescribes the medicine for same. Does he prescribes the medicine as soon as you reach without knowing your situation? The answer is no.  In the same way we should also avoid coming to a conclusion without knowing the reality.  Concluding without analysis can give you fun for a short term but for the long term , it is a disaster.


– Ashish Kumar