I was wet

I was wet.
Not because of rain.
But because of pain.
Rain was coming from the sky.
And tears were falling from the eyes.

Tears and rain, both mixed.
Combination was never fixed.
Unholy alliance was formed.
Survival was distance long.
Temperature surged, mind upset.
Anger reached its peak, cool absent.
Weather changed, but not the situation.
Startling moments added the frustration.
At that moment...
Soul cried, I cried but tears dried.
Tried to clear the pain, but it was a failed try.
As "rain of pain" arrived back.
Making the life black.
Making the life black.
PC: Google
That time...
I was wet.
Not because of rain.
But because of pain.
Rain was coming from the sky.
And tears were falling from the eyes.

- Ashish Kumar