Earn and earned…

Reluctant to accept fault.

One is not perfect by default.

Ignoring the truth aside.

Seems one has achieved pride.

Fake sense of sensing proud.

Surrounded by…

Opening mouth, always loud.

Reject everything of relevance.

Taking unnecessary vengeance.

Disrespect all and want respect in return.

One can get awe but no “respect” in return.


Respect and blessings are earned with humble attitude.

Curse is earned with insolent attitude.

Curse is earned with insolent attitude.

Stop and think…

What should I earn?

what have I earned?

Is it awe and curse?


Is it respect and blessings?

Ashish Kumar

A Musical Journey…

Some fiasco teaches and some ruins.
Life is about making the tune.
Everything changes and so does life.
Adopt the changes in order to survive.
Life is a mixture of pleasure and pain.
Enjoy the pleasure and curb the pain.
Problems are part of life and it will come.
Be smart enough to solve them and overcome.
Every problem has a hidden learning.
Identify that and get the meaning.

Life is a musical journey.
Enjoy its music and don’t worry.
Be it sad, good, romantic and tragic.
Every moment is itself a magic.
Life is short and precise.
Live it with joy and rise.
Make the best out of it and learn.
At the end you will earn.
Life is a musical journey.
Enjoy its music and don’t worry.
Some fiasco teaches and some ruins.
Life is about making the tune.

– Ashish Kumar

Wise Choice

World is full of rejection and denial.
This is a weather which is perennial.
Barking people often bite.
Ignoring them is the wise choice.
Move ahead with your views.
Don’t get distracted with others views.
The more you ask the more you get confused.
Have faith in yourself in order to not get misused.
Tolerate which can be tolerated.
Don’t take everything for granted.
Everyone is unique and different.
Be different and make a difference.
Love yourself and your work.
Avoid doing unproductive work.
What you learn is what you earn.
Hence keep a habit to learn.
Don’t get distracted with the hearsay.
Move ahead and find your way.
World is full of rejection and denial.
This is a weather which is perennial.
Barking people often bite.
Ignoring them is the wise choice.
Ignoring them is the wise choice.

– Ashish Kumar


Quotations are always very pleasant to read as well as to write. It has the power to say deep and meaningful things in few words. We always use quotations in our day to day life to convey our message. Writing quotations gives me a pleasant feeling. 🙂 So here are few of my quotes which I hope will be liked by the readers. Give your views  on these quotes of mine… 🙂

1. Be strong enough to carry the load, rather than to run away after seeing the load.

2. Relationship is not a burden. It is a gift that one has been chosen to posses.

3. Trust is something which cannot be forced. It can be only earned by your behaviour. 

– Ashish Kumar