The Tree Ultimately Fell…

A building made by immense struggle and effort.
That collapsed due to a sudden storm.
Collecting the pieces of the collapsed structure.
I lost my own mind and the body structure.
The language and gesture all went in vain.
At a sudden surprise, I was left in pain.
I didn’t cry but tears fell.
The tree I planted ultimately fell.

In the narrow passage of my heart, there was a hope.
Searching for the way to convert that hope into a scope.
Loads of loads of trouble were in the queue.
Not aware whether this was a never ending queue.
The journey which I started from the bottom of my heart.
That came to an end which left my heart with loads of hurt.
I enjoyed that moment a lot.
As I have to build another plot.
The plot with more immune capacity.
That is capable of holding any tragedy.
Hoping to get all is well.
I didn’t cry but tears fell.
The tree I planted ultimately fell.
The tree I planted ultimately fell.

Ashish Kumar

3.2.1 Quote Me – Hope

My blogger friend Manoj Mehra nominated for this quote challenge. Manoj writes in various topics like Life, Relationships, My Feelings etc and it is worth to read his posts. In fact, his blog title is “Believe Strong” which indicates the depth of his writing skills. Please visit his blog for some good literary pieces.  I am taking up any challenge after many years and hence little bit excited while I am writing this post.

1. Thank the Selector
2. Post 2 quotes for the dedicated Topic of the Day
3. Select 3 bloggers to take part in ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’

I am sharing the following two quotes which is very inspiring and gives a sense of optimism. The author of the first quote is unknown and I share this quote whenever motivation is required to me or others.

If life gives you hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have thousands of reasons to smile.

– Unknown

The next quote I would like to share is related to our deeds and our thoughts and I really admire this quote of Swami Vivekananda.

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.

– Swami Vivekanada

I would like to nominate following bloggers for this challenge.

  1. Samyak Singh
  2. Tarushi Parashar
  3. Krittica bh

Feel free to participate and enjoy… 🙂

– Ashish Kumar

मैं रोया तो नहीं …

मौसम के अलग अलग मिज़ाज़ मे.
ज़िंदगी के हर उतार चढ़ाव मे.
औरों के घाव को मरहम लगते हुए.
और खुद के घाव पे नमक छिड़कते हुए.
मैं रोया तो नहीं पर आँसू निकल पड़े.
दिल ऐसा टूटा की टुकड़े भी ना मिले.

राहों मे अंधेरों का सामना करते हुए.
औरों के दुखों को मिटाते हुए.
खुद को खेलने का प्रयोगशाला बनाते हुए.
सब धोखों को झेलते हुए.
मैं रोया तो नहीं पर आँसू निकल पड़े.
बनावटी इस दुनिया मे हम अकेले पर गये.

शोर के इस वातावरण मे.
ज़िंदगी ने ज़हर ऐसा उगला.
मौत भी मुँह मोर कर चली गयी.
पर उस वक़्त मैं ना पिघला.
आँखों की लालिमा करती है कुछ इशारे.
दफ़ना दो उन ख्वाबों को जो नहीं हैं हमारे.
आवाज़ों के बाज़ारों मे खामोशी पहचानता कोई नहीं.
जो होना था वो हो गया बस अब और नहीं.
रह गया उस मंज़र और इस मंज़र मैं, अकेला.
चलो बनता हू इक दुनिया जो होगा रंगीला.
पर उस वक़्त…
मैं रोया तो नहीं पर आँसू निकल पड़े.
हम दिल पर पत्थर रख , किसी और दिशा चल दिए.

Ashish Kumar

Trying to paint the paper…

Living in the piece of a paper.
I am trying to paint the paper.
Left in the curse of time.
I am trying to build a new time.
Shattered with the sudden storm.
I was left in a beach of thorn.
The pain was unbearable and immense.
Like someone put an iron rod in the chest.
Tears came and heart wrenched.
Wondered how I got the bloody drench.

Shame acts and broken trust continued.
I stood and fought till I can continue.
During the midst of day and night.
Life gave me tremendous fight.
Sacrificed everything which I had.
Only thing left was the time which was bad.
I lost the battle with a brutal end.
Tried a lot to avoid that end.

Loved the fact that I still survived.
Even though I had no reason to survive.
I left the world which was never mine.
Building a new world which will be mine.
Life is such of twisted events.
Tackling them is prominent.
It takes time to forget and forgive.
Hence life must be lived.
Some time is required to move on.
Living in the piece of a paper.
I am trying to paint the paper.

– Ashish Kumar

Better to do something…


Life is full of unexpected events.
Sometimes bad sometimes good.
Making cry or smile at those events.
It’s good to have experience.
Sometimes startling and sometimes enjoying.
During the midst of day and night.
We often come across several memories.
Some haunted and some taunted.
Memories remains forever.
Events can’t be forgotten.
But can  only be forgiven.

Some moments are everlasting.
Making us to cherish.
Some are really unfortunate.
It is our duty to make it fortunate.
This is what life’s all about.
Here we are born and will be dead one day.
Better to do something…
That will be remembered for everyday.
Time is less and life is short.
Better to do something…
That will reside in everyone’s heart.

– Ashish Kumar